
2018.5.31 Szudarski(2018)Corpus Linguistics for Vocabulary 紹介プロジェクト


Pawel Szudarski (2018) Corpus Linguistics for Vocabulary

Chapter 1 What is corpus linguistics? 石川
Chapter 2 Corpus analysis: tools and statistics 中西
Chapter 3 What is vocabulary: terminology, conceptualizations and
 research issues 石川
Chapter 4 Frequency and vocabulary 鎌倉
Chapter 5 Corpora, phraseology and formulaic language 能登原
Chapter 6 Corpora and teaching vocabulary 小屋
Chapter 7 Corpora and learner vocabulary 中西
Chapter 8 Specialized corpora and vocabulary 石川
Chapter 9 Discourse, pragmatics and vocabulary 佐藤
Chapter 10 Summary and research projects 石川
